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Gaining weight is as much tough as losing weight. What are the ways to increase the weight to have a healthy and sound body ?

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1 Answer


Gaining or losing weight has become a repetitive topic nowadays. Everyone want to have a normal weight according to their height to have a glamorous look.
Underweight leads to the improper growth and development in children also it effects the teenagers and even young adults.

How to gain weight and become healthy at home ?

1. There are certain foods that you can consume to increase the weight.
(a) Banana is an excellent choice if you are looking to bring a balance. They have a source of Carbohydrates and Calories.
(b) Rice is rich in Carbs and can be easily consumed in your daily life.
(c) Potatoes are rich in starch and carbohydrate and will help you in gaining weight.
Chickpeas or Chana are high in proteins basically leads to overall growth.
Paneer and whole milk dairy product have high protein content.

2. Exercise or Yoga will help you to maintain your body. It will help you in building your muscles.Surya Namaskar, Dhanurasana, Konasana are some Asanas that will help you in overall workout of body.

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