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Socialization is a process of adapting social norms, values or cultures. It is a process by which a biological child acquires specific cultural identity.

Types of Socialization :

1. Primary socialization 

Socialization which occurs informally is called as a primary socialization.
The primary socialization agent is mainly a family.
It begins at the stage of infancy.

2. Secondary Socialization 

Socialization which occurs formally is called as Secondary Socialization.
Secondary socialization agents are Schools, colleges and peers.
Less socialization in cities
Less socialization in higher classes.

3. Anticipatory Socialization 

When a person is ready to adapt some role, then it is called as Anticipatory Socialization.
When a girl is ready to become wife of someone.
When a women is ready to adapt a role of mother.

4. Developmental socialization 

When a child start to develop the skills through environment, it is called as developmental socialization.
Learning skills are developed.
It usually begins from the age of 7 years.

5. Re-Socialization

Socialization that continues throughout the life, is called as Re-socialization.
Example, when a person moves from city to village, then he have live according to that society, so here he have to re-socialize him again.

Factors effecting socialization:

1. Nationality
2. Gender
3. Culture
4. Language
5. Books
6. Environment 
7. Race
8. Economy 
9. Caste
10. Background

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