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Few years ago there were no coper bottles but I have seen now a days companies have started making copper bottles. Are they beneficial for body ? So I found some interesting things:

हमारा शरीर पांच तत्वों जल, पृथ्वी, आकाश, अग्नि और वायु से मिलकर बना है। आयुर्वेद के अनुसार शरीर का स्वास्थ्य इन पर सबसे ज्यादा निर्भर करता है : वात पित्त और कफ। अगर इनमें से किसी का भी संतुलन बिगड़ा तो रोग उत्पन्न होने लगते हैं. इसी वजह से इन्हें ‘दोष’ कहा गया है। इन दोषों की संख्या तीन होने के कारण ही इन्हें त्रिदोष कहा गया है।

पित्त दोष ‘अग्नि’ और ‘जल’ इन दो तत्वों से मिलकर बना है।

कफ दोष ‘पृथ्वी’ और ‘जल’ इन दो तत्वों से मिलकर बना है।

वात दोष “वायु” और “आकाश” इन दो तत्वों से मिलकर बना है।

आपकी खराब जीवनशैली, खानपान से इनका प्रभाव बदलता रहता है समझें कि अगर आप कफ दोष को बढ़ाने वाली चीजें ज्यादा खा रहे हैं तो आपको कफ दोष से जुड़े रोगों के होने की संभावना बढ़ जाती है।

Copper vessels:

As per Aayurveda there are Copperized water is a natural antioxidant that helps balance the three doshas of the body (kapha, vata and pitta)

Water kept in copper utensil is called as Tamra-Jal

  • It kills bacteria
  • It helps in weight loss.
  • It is good for hypertension and cholesterol.
  • Works on arthritis and inflamed joints.
  • Improves digestion
  • Works on thyroid
  • It helps in anemia.

Note: It is always said that we should drink only one glass of copper water. Too much of copper water can be harmful.

Dr copper and Milton bottle you can buy it here:



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1 Answer


1. Fights off Cancer

Copper is a well-known antioxidant, meaning it actively combats free radicals and counteracts their harmful effects. Major contributors to the development of cancer in the human body are free radicals and their damaging effects. Additionally, copper aids in the synthesis of melanin, which provides skin and eyes colour and shields one from the sun,s harmful UV rays.

2. Prevents Anaemia 

Copper helps the body absorb iron, a mineral whose lack causes anaemia, and aids in the breakdown of food to produce haemoglobin. Low levels of white blood cells can occur from rare haematological illnesses that are caused by copper deficiency in humans.

3. Negates Infection

Because copper is a natural antibiotic, water that has been stored in copper bottles for longer than 8 hours is free of any harmful microorganisms. E. coli, S. aureus, and Cholera Bacillus are just a few of the prevalent aquatic disease-causing organisms that copper is effective against.

4. Manage ageing

Many copper-based cosmetics were utilised in ancient Egypt. Many modern skincare products contain copper because, in addition to being an antioxidant, copper also aids in cell regeneration, neutralises the damaging effects of free radicals on the skin, and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

5. Improves brain function

Electrical impulses are the means by which the human brain communicates with the body as a whole. By carrying out these impulses, copper aids in cell communication and improves the efficiency of brain function.


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