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  1. Alibi – claim or proof that someone who is believed to have commit a crime was elsewhere when the crime took place.
  2. Ally – someone who supports a group of people who are treated badly or unfairly although they themselves are not a part of this group.
  3. Biblical – very great or on a very large scale; enormous. 
  4. Beget – to cause or give rise to.
  5. Cellulite – deposits of fat on body parts like hips, thighs that make the skin appear lumpy (bumpy or uneven).
  6. Cray Cray – (informal-US) slang (informal language usually spoken than written by a particular group of people) for crazy.
  7. Coyote – a person who smuggles people illegally from Latin America across US border usually for a very high fee.
  8. Cynophobia – fear of dogs.
  9. Dandy – looking very stylish or fashionable; classy; good looking.
  10. Descriptive – describing something using the five senses (eyesight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell) so that the reader can feel and picture it in mind; expressive.
  11. Empirical – based on experiences rather than mere theory; observed.
  12. Ebb – to become less or decrease gradually.
  13. Fugitive – a person who ran away from imprisonment or is in hiding.
  14. Ghostwriter – a person whose job is to write for someone else who is named as the author. 
  15. Homicide – act of killing someone; murder.
  16. Hoax – to deceive or trick someone usually by telling a lie.
  17. Ikigai – Japanese concept which means reason for being or finding your life purpose, ‘iki’; in Japanese means life and ‘gai’ means value or worth.  
  18. Internalize – to make beliefs, attitudes, behaviors part of one’s nature subconsciously or by learning.
  19. Jacked –
    1. a) not acting normally because of taking drugs; high on drugs. 
    2. b) (Of a person) Having well developed muscles.
  20. Jeopardize – put someone or something in danger; cause harm or damage. Knock oneself out–
    1. a) to exert oneself by doing too much work. 
    2. b) To make oneself unconscious usually by hitting the head. 
    3. c) US – Go ahead and do something.
  21. Lube – a lubricant (substance used to minimize friction for facilitating relative motion between surfaces in mutual contact).
  22. Letterhead – printed heading on top of a writing piece mentioning the name, address or logo of the concerned person or organization.
  23. Metaverse -a digital environment mimicking the real-world allowing users to interact virtually. It combines the aspects of augmented reality (AR- technology that enhances users visual and auditory environment by using graphics, sounds or other sensory stimuli), virtual reality (VR- simulated experience that enables a person to interact with an artificial 3D environment, for example video games etc.), social media, online gaming, cryptocurrencies, to enhance the user interaction.
  24. Manic –
    1. a) insane or mad. 
    2. b) (Of a person) very active because of being excited or anxious.
  25. Narcotics –
    1. a) drugs consumed for non-medical purposes affecting mood and behavior and sold illegally. 
    2. b) (Medical)Drugs that relieve pain and make you want to sleep.
  26. Narc– a narcotics (relating to illegal drugs) agent investigating narcotics violation.
  27. Naïve– (Of a person) one who easily trusts others because of lack of wisdom and experience of life.
  28. Ophidiophobia– extreme fear of snakes.
  29. Omnipotent– having unlimited power and able to do anything.
  30. Probation–
    1. a) release of a criminal for a period when he or she is under supervision (usually supervised by a probation officer) and is expected to behave well.
    2. b) A period of time in which a person who is new to job is observed to see whether they are suitable for the job.
  31. Plateauing– becoming stable after reaching a certain level.
  32. Reprimand– to express disapproval in an official or formal way.
  33. Reprehensible– deserving blame; disgraceful.
  34. Sundown– the time in the evening when the sun disappears.
  35. Synergy– combined power of two or more entities working together which is greater than the sum of their powers achieved by each working independently.
  36. Spoken for– not available as already claimed by someone else. 
  37. Thrash– hit someone multiple times repeatedly usually with a stick or whip.
  38. Umpteenth– used to say that something happened again after happening many times or came after many similar things.
  39. Ukulele– small four stringed guitar like instrument of Hawaiian origin.
  40. Triskaidekaphobia– irritational fear of number thirteen; superstition regarding the number thirteen.
  41. Tacit– understood without being mentioned; implied.
  42. Tacky –
    1. a) (informal)considered as poor or cheap in taste or quality; inelegant or unfashionable. 
    2. b) (Of an object) sticky or gluey; wet
  43. Veteran – a person who has worked for a long time in a particular field and has a lot of experience; experienced; established.
  44. Wing Person – a friend who helps and supports you especially in meeting and impressing potential partners.
  45. Wobbly – shaky, unstable, or uneven.
  46. Xenophile- a person who is attracted to foreigners or foreign things (lifestyle, cultures, styles etc.).
  47. Xenophobia – dislike or fear of foreigners and their customs, cultures, styles etc.
  48. Yearbook –
    1. a) a book published every year by the school containing photographs and details of the school activities in the previous year.
    2. b) An annual publication that gives information about the events and achievements of the previous year usually concerning a particular organization or field.
  49. Zap – to get rid of or kill someone or something; destroy.

Word 50 missing ? Yes, correct you have to suggest any one word with meaning...

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